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Ing. Jan TOPINKA, DrSc.

Ing. Jan TOPINKA, DrSc.

Institute of Experimental Medicine of the CAS, Prague, Czech Republic, EU

Specialization: Testing of genotoxicity of complex mixtures, toxicogenomics.

J. Topinka (1955) graduated in 1979 at The Institute of Chemical Technology Prague and The Czech Technical University in Prague - The Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering. In 1986 he defended Ph.D. at chemical sciences. In 1991 Post-doc stage (1 year) focusing on toxicology, genotoxicity and chemical cancerogenesis at GSF – Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit, Institut für Toxikologie, Neuherberg, Germany (EU). In the period 1998 - 2004 he works at this institute as a researcher. In 2005 he defended the title DrSc. at biomedicine sciences.  Since 1992 he works at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic, EU). He is the head of Laboratory of Genetic Toxicology of this Institute (since 2007). Since 2008 he works also at the Institute for Environmental Studies of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague as the researcher.

In his research activities J. Topinka is focused on molecular epidemiology, testing of genotoxicity of complex mixtures, chemical cancerogenesis, antioxidizing anticarciogenic influence of vitamins. He participated in many research projects dealing with the biological and health effects of polluted environement, for example the EC projects ChildrenGeno­Network, or  INTARESE. J. Topinka is a member ofThe Society of Toxicology Deutsche Geselschaft für Pharmakologie and Toxikologie (DGPT) European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS), The Czech Biology Society and Slovak Society for Mutagenesis by External Environment (chairman).


Selected publications:

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  • J. Topinka, P. Rossner Jr., A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, V. Svecova and R. J. Sram: DNA adducts and oxidative DNA damage induced by organic extracts from PM2.5 in an acellular assay. Toxicology Letters, 2011, in press.
  • J. Topinka, J.Hovorka, A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, J. Krouzek, P. Rossner Jr., R. J. Sram: An acellular assay to assess the genotoxicity of complex mixtures of organic pollutants bound on size segregated aerosol. Part I: DNA adducts Toxicology Letters, 198, 2010, 304-311.
  • P. Rossner Jr., J. Topinka, J.Hovorka, A. Milcova, J. Schmuczerova, J. Krouzek, R. J. Sram: An acellular assay to assess the genotoxicity of complex mixtures of organic pollutants bound on size segregated aerosol. Part II: Oxidative damage to DNA Toxicology Letters, 198, 2010, 312-316.
  • J. Topinka, S. Marvanová, J. Vondráček, O. Sevastyanova, Z. Nováková, P. Krčmář, K. Pěnčíková, M. Machala: DNA adducts formation and induction of apoptosis in rat liver epithelial ‘stem-like’ cells exposed to carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Mutation Res. (Fundam.) 638, 2008, 122-132.
  • J. Topinka, O. Sevastyanova, B. Binková, I. Chvátalová, A. Milcová, Z. Lněničková, Z. Nováková, I. Solansky, R.J.Šrám: Biomarkers of air pollution exposure – Study in policemen in Prague. Mutation Res. (Fundam.) 624, 2007, 9-17.
  • J. Topinka, I. Hertz-Piccioto, M. Dostál, I. Chvátalová, Poh-Sin Yap, C.E.W. Herr, T. Greenfield, R. J. Šrám: The DNA repair gene XPD/ERCC2 polymorphisms Arg156Arg (exon 6) and Lys751Gln (exon 23) are closely associated. Toxicol. Lett. 172, 2007, 85-89.



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