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Mgr. Petr KLAPETEK, Ph.D.

Mgr. Petr KLAPETEK, Ph.D.

Czech Metrology Institute, Brno, Czech Republic, EU

Specialization: Quantitative scanning probe microscopy, incl. AFM

P. Klapetek received its Ph.D. at the Masaryk University Brno, at present Head of Department of Nanometrology at the Czech Metrology Institute. Since 1999 working on the field of quantitative scanning probe microscopy, including atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM), scanning thermal microscopy (SThM), magnetic and electric force microscopy (MFM, EFM) and other similar methods. One of founders of open source software initiative for SPM data analysis Gwyddion (http://gwyddion.net). Developer of codes for fast graphics card computations on the field of scanning probe microscopy (FDTD, molecular dynamics). Designer and constructer of several specialized metrology systems for scanning probe microscopy (e.g. development of state etalon for nanometrology or long range scanning probe microscope). Cooperation with other national metrology institutes - 2009 guest scientist in Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (1 month), 2010 in National Physical Laboratory (1 month).

Publications: Author of more than 50 scientific papers on the field of quantitative scanning probe microscopy. Organizer/co-organizer of several international workshops and conferences (Nanocon, Nanoscale 2010, SPM workshop 1999-2005). Invited talks on several international conferences and workshops (SREN, UK SPM, SSSI). Member of Czech technical normalization committee for nanotechnology and of the Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies.

H-index: 8


Selected publications:

  • Petr Klapetek, Ivan Ohlídal, Theoretical analysis of the atomic force microscopy characterization of columnar thin films, Ultramicroscopy, 94, 19-29, Amsterdam, 2003
  • Petr Klapetek, Ivan Ohlídal, Jindřich Bílek, Influence of the atomic force microscope tip on the multifractal analysis of rough surfaces, Ultramicroscopy, 102, 1, 51-59, 2004
  • Petr Klapetek, Ivan Ohlídal, Karel Navrátil, Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis of Statistical Roughness of GaAs Surfaces Originated by Thermal Oxidation, Microchimica Acta, 147, 3, 175-180, 2004
  • Petr Klapetek, Ivan Ohlídal, Jiří Buršík, Applications of scanning thermal microscopy in the analysis of the geometry of patterned structures, Surface and Interface Analysis, 38, 383, 2006
  • Petr Klapetek, Jiří Buršík, Miroslav Valtr, Jan Martinek, Near field optical microscope probe analysis, Ultramicroscopy, 108, 7, 2008
  • Petr Klapetek , Miroslav Valtr, Near-field optical microscopy simulations using graphics processing units, Surface and Interface Analysis, 42 1109-1113, 2010
  • Petr Klapetek, David Nečas, A. Campbellová, A. Yacoot, L. Koenders, Methods for determining and processing 3D errors and uncertainties for AFM data analysis, Meas. Sci. Technol., 22, 25501, 2011



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